

Lately I've been noticing changes. I mean, I know they happen all the time, but I've been really noticing them. Some good, some bad, and some just average you could say. Ever since I started school the bad changes have been revealing themselves. One major one I have noticed is a loss of friends. Maybe I'm just being irrational, but I feel as if since I have gotten older I am realizing who my real friends are (cliché, I know). Moving on, an average change would be my body. I have started noticing that maybe all of that extra ice cream after school or subway after the gym isn't actually the best idea. To change this I'm obviously going to the gym and eating more fruits and veggies,etc. I have considered becoming a vegetarian because knowing what those poor animals go through puts my heart in a sad state. However, I am not the best at eating proper meals in the first place so taking protein out of my diet would not be a good start. It's still something I am willing to do though. A good change is fall; I am in L O V E (and can we just take a moment to realize it's nearly October, whaaaat?!). I can finally wear my knit sweaters, cozy new boots, jeans and tights! 

I know that change can be a scary thing and I'm starting to accept that which helps me feel a tiny bit better. So, aside from changes I also wanted to add a list of things that I want to accomplish next month!

1. See my parents for thanksgiving
2. Dress-Up for Halloween
3. Learn to make pumpkin pie
4. Start writing christmas cards
5. Read five books
6. Work on my blog for the autumn season

"Life is like dancing. If we have a big floor, many people will dance. Some will get angry when the rhythm changes. But life is changing all the time." -Miguel Angel Ruiz

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